Asociația RadioȘtiința

ARS ARS, YO9KBZ, founded in 2023, is one of the singular ham radio associations in Romania that develops programs in STEAM education system in order to make the science more attractive for kids. No doubt that ham radio has many domains that can offer curriculum and curiosity to teach more about the waves and electronics.

Associação de Radioamadores da Linha de Cascais

ARLC ARLC, CS5ARLC, founded in 2011, is an institution of Public Utility. It was created to give continuity to the 'Clube de Radio Amadores de Cascais', which had been initially started by the honorary Carlos Silvestre, CT1TC, also known on the frequency bands as "Terra Cascais".

EURAO Newsletter Febrer 2023

En aquest número trobaràs:

  • Dia Mundial de la Ràdio 2023: Ràdio i Pau
  • AO#WRD: Dia Mundial de la Ràdio 2023
  • Radiociència 2.0: vídeo amb subtítols en anglès

EURAO Party - Winter 2023: WRD for Radio and Peace

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "World Radio Day for Radio and Peace". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter Desembre 2022

En aquest número trobaràs:

  • Radiociència 2.0: vídeo d'activitats ràdio per a nens a Romania
  • Radioaficionats principiants que visiten Espanya: cap problema per transmetre

EURAO Party - Winter 2022: hunting SES

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "hunting SES". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter Setembre 2022

En aquest número trobaràs:

  • Excel·lent Planificació Estratègica de la Radioafició des de les antípodes
  • Radiociència 2.0: activitats de radioaficionat per a nens a Romania

EURAO Party - Autumn 2022: CQ mobile

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "CQ mobile". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

Radio Science 2.0: ham radio activities for kids in Romania

Radio Science 2.0 An small team of EURAO members from Romania, with the financial support of a local foundation in Buzau City: Fondul Stiintescu , started in April a program dedicated to the children and young people in order to experience applied science with the help of amateur radio.

The project aims to create an educational space and apply in practice the phenomena that accompany the interaction between people using radio waves.

The final selection of the projects was made by a dedicated jury, made up of specialists in fields related to the Fund's themes, together with a member of the Board of Directors of the Buzau Community Foundation.

EURAO General Assembly 2022: new members, new benefits, ...

The General Assembly 2022 of EURAO was held the first Saturday of July via internet. The incorporation of two new member associations, both Italian, was approved.

The beneficiaries of the Radio Amateur Insurance have also been extended to the members of the member associations, starting with the members of their boards of directors.

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