M17, an open source amateur radio project sponsored now by EURAO

M17 team At the proposal of its Board, the EURAO Assembly decided to support the M17 project with a modest donation.

In the picture the M17 team at Friedrichshafen, from left to right: SP5WWP, Olha, ON4MOD, IU2KWO and KC1AWV.

This project, based on open-source Codec 2, aims to define a new digital voice (DV) mode for VHF and higher bands.

Thank you for visiting us at HAM RADIO 2024 Friedrichshafen!

EURAO at HAM RADIO 2024 From countries all over Europe and even from other continents, the EURAO booth has received a lot of visitors, some of them already members, but others were new ones interested in knowing more about our Organization and its benefits, especially for small Clubs&Groups. Other interesting contacts have also been made, which we expect to see the results soon.

In this article we will try to answer the most frequently asked questions that visitors have asked us and provide links to the brochures that we have published in various languages.

EURAO on the way to HAM RADIO 2024

HAM RADIO 2023 Once again EURAO will be at this European exhibition in Friedrichshafen, Germany, June 28-30, to attend members, friends and visitors, listening opinions and sharing experiences about amateur radio.

As usual, its booth (A1-991) will be beside the CISAR one (A1-990). We are looking forward to your visit!

HAM RADIO 2023: EURAO was at Friedrichshafen again

EURAO at HAM RADIO 2023 EURAO's presence at the German exhibition last June was dedicated to show up projects and activities with the kids that are just discovering amateur radio benefits, and promote its proposal of: "2024, the year of children and young radio amateurs!".

With this idea in mind, EURAO invites radio amateurs around the world to spend more time setting up projects and offering help to children and young radio amateurs to find out more about our hobby.

EURAO at HAM RADIO exhibition in Friedrichshafen again

ITU welcomes EURAO After the worst moments of the pandemic, it is time to return to the German exhibition.

So, EURAO will once again have a booth (A1-994), beside CISAR (A1-990), at HAM RADIO 2023 (June 23-25) to attend members, friends and visitors, listening opinions and sharing experiences.

We are looking forward to your visit!

La UIT dona la benvinguda a EURAO com a membre del sector Radiocomunicacions

ITU welcomes EURAO La Unió Internacional de Telecomunicacions (UIT) va admetre a EURAO com a membre de sector al juny, just un parell de dies abans de la fira HAM RADIO, encara que la carta oficial va arribar més tard. Aquest és el motiu que estiguéssim tan contents després de cinc anys perseguint aquest objectiu.

Ara la Radioafició ja no està representada només per una única organització. Com més, millor. La nostra més sincera gratitud a tots aquells membres que han cregut en aquest projecte.

Trobada REF-EURAO sobre la crisi dels 2m

F5DJL+EA3CIW El president de REF, F5DJL, va visitar l'estand d'EURAO a la HAM RADIO 2019 i es va reunir amb el seu Secretari General, EA3CIW, qui, una setmana abans, li havia enviat un correu electrònic oferint-li suport i col·laboració en l'assumpte 144-146 MHz davant l'Administració francesa.

Cal tenir en compte que l’actual seu d'EURAO es troba a França.

Tots dos van intercanviar punts de vista i preocupacions i van coincidir en la importància de fer front a aquesta qüestió amb diligència i el màxim consens possible.

EURAO a la HAM RADIO 2019 i la seva Assemblea General

HAM RADIO 2019 Friedrichshafen segueix sent el millor lloc de trobada per als radioaficionats europeus i EURAO hi va ser per mantenir el contacte amb els seus membres i amics, contactar amb d'altres entitats i celebrar la seva Assemblea General.

L'Assemblea va anar molt bé i tots els punts van ser aprovats per unanimitat, incloent l'estratègia comuna per abordar l'amenaça sobre la banda de 144-146 MHz. Es van comentar diversos projectes nous i també es van posar en marxa.

El proper any esperem veure-us per allà els dies 26-28 juny, 2020.

HAM RADIO+General Assembly 2018

Meeting once a year in Friedrichshafen is a real pleasure and the opportunity to listen others' ideas, share experiences and discuss about common issues. So we did, but instead of waiting in the booth, the president went to the middle of the fair.

Other activities, such as the EURAO's General Assembly and the ID-CCS7 workshop of DR@F for French operators, took place in the booth.

Next year we will see there in June 21-23, 2019.

IARU-EURAO preparatory meeting finally took place

HAM RADIO 2017 IARU at last found some time to meet EURAO at Friedrichshafen. In the picture: G3BJ, ON4PM, EA3CIW and VE6SH preparing the first summit of both organisations.

After a pretty hot early summer, sanity was back on track, and what EURAO proposed two years ago: collaboration, it seems to start its way: there will be a meeting in December.

Now is the time to work on the agenda and the topics to be discussed. So comments and proposals are welcome. We will try to include them all, time permitting.

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