EURAO Newsletter Décembre 2021

Dans ce numéro, vous trouverez:

  • CISAR: Joyeux 40e anniversaire!!!
  • EANET Sprint Contest 2021: résultats finaux
  • Assemblée FEDI-EA 2021: en ligne et ouvert

EURAO Party - Autumn 2021: hunting SES

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "hunting SES". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter Septembre 2021

Dans ce numéro, vous trouverez:

  • Assemblée Générale de l'EURAO 2021: plus de participation en direct et...
  • Participant à l'UKW FUN 1.0
  • EU-DX Contest 2021: plaques prêtes à être expédiées

EURAO General Assembly 2021: more live participation and...

The General Assembly 2021 of EURAO was held the last Saturday of June via internet, with more people participating live and more topics to discuss than ever.

One of the most interesting addressed points was the call for participation in projects such as: its own Emergency Communications coordination, the setup of an European DMR network and a new DXpedition team.

Field Day, but sure

Radio Amateur activities Are you planning to participate in a Field Day soon? Or in a SOTA activation, in a DXpedition or in any other radio activity outside the QTH? Do you have any insurance that covers any unforeseen risk that may occur?

Now EURAO offers you its Radio Amateur Insurance for only 10 EUR/year*.

With a coverage of 9.000.000 EUR, the purpose of this service is to guarantee the pecuniary consequences of the civil liability incumbent on the insured due to consequential bodily, material and immaterial damage caused to third parties as a result of their radio amateur activities, including travel, and events organized by the subscriber, including assembly and disassembly operations.

EURAO Party - Summer 2021: CB QSL Party

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization, supporting the initiative of its member association Federación Digital EA, announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "CB QSL Party". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter Juin 2021

Dans ce numéro, vous trouverez:

  • Les divisions CB DX: un bon exemple d'auto-organisation
  • Assemblée Générale de l'EURAO 2021: le 26 juin, à nouveau virtuel
  • EU-DX Contest 2021: résultats

EURAO General Assembly 2021: on June 26, virtual again

Because COVID-19, the popular Friedrichshafen HAM RADIO exhibition has been canceled again. However, EURAO will hold its General Assembly on the scheduled date: Saturday, June 26, 2021, at 17:00 CEST, virtual for the second time.

Like last year, Google Meet will be used for the meeting and the resulting image will be more similar to the picture on the left than the usual group of people around a table.

EURAO Party - Winter 2021: with a simple dipole

The European Radio Amateurs' Organization announces a new party on the air, this time with the motto: "with a simple dipole". Remember this is not a contest, it is just a radio meeting with a few simple 'rules', better to call them recommendations.

EURAO Newsletter Février 2021

Dans ce numéro, vous trouverez:

  • Journée Mondiale de la Radio 2021: Évolution, Innovation, Connexion
  • IW3IBG nouveau Vice-président de l'EURAO
  • EU-DX Contest 2021: première édition
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