The Radio Amateur Society of Australia (RASA)
sent us, at the end of last year, an interesting document entitled: "A Strategic Review of Amateur Radio in Australia", in which, the current situation of ham radio there, is analyzed using a SWOT technique by a panel of volunteers.
The goals of the study were quite ambitious: explore the future of Amateur Radio; retain existing amateurs within the hobby; attract newcomers to the hobby; promote the interesting and exciting elements of the hobby and encourage greater participation; and promote the hobby from within as being inclusive, friendly and engaging.
The results, not at all surprising, do not seem very far from what happens in other places around the world.
The detailed action plan provides very innovative and interesting proposals in an specific section called "Recommended Strategies & Actions". However, ...
... when one reaches the end of that brilliant document, and it is time for the "Next steps", it seems that nothing can be done due to the lack of understanding between the various amateur radio organizations within the country.
Nothing new, according to the main threat detected in the SWOT analysis. Maybe the solution is to seek support outside of that harmful environment, isn't it? EURAO is QRV.