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Now it is easier to become an individual member of the European Radio Amateurs' Organization from anywhere in the world.
For only 10 EUR you can get this card and support the organization and its projects, among which is the EuroBureauQSL.
The first face to face meeting conducted by the European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) enjoyed an ideal climate for dialogue and received praise from all participants for the wonderful hospitality of Barcelona.
The European Radio Amateurs' Organization (EURAO) holds its annual meeting next weekend, 28-30 October, in Barcelona (Spain), to be attended by representatives of several associations from different countries of the old continent. New members are welcome.
The special callsigns AO1EU, AO2EU, AO3EU, AO4EU, AO5EU, AO6EU, AO7EU, AO8EU and AO9EU will be active 1-20 May 2010 on all bands and modes to commemorate 60th anniversary of Robert Schuman's presentation (on the 9th of May 1950) of his proposal for the creation of what is now known as the European Union. This year also coinciding with the Spanish Presidency-in-turn.
U.F.R.C. - Union Francophone des Radio Clubs is an association for Radioamateurs in the French-speaking part (Wallonia) in Belgium.
V.R.A. - Vlaamse Radio Amateurs (Flanders Radio Amateurs) is an association for RadioAmateurs in Flanders, the Dutch (= Flemish) speaking part of Belgium.
EURAO is founded with the vocation of grouping all those associations in the old continent, and even around the world, which can not belong to IARU (because its own limitation of only one association per country). The establishment of a Promoters Committee, initially constituted by the associations Union des Radio-Clubs et des Radioamateurs (France), Centro Italiano di Sperimentazione ed Attività Radiantistiche (Italy) and Federación Digital EA (Spain), is now a fact.
Il CISAR é una associazione di appassionati radioamatori protesi verso le nuove attività, le nuove frontiere e sperimentazioni del mondo della radio, fondata nel 1981 con lo scopo principale di riunire tutti gli amanti della attività VHF e superiori ed in particolare per i sistemi automatici, ha raggiunto nel giro di pochi anni risultati strepitosi sia nella tecnica che nella difesa dei diritti di tutti i radioamatori, contribuendo sempre in maniera determinante alla normativa nel settore.
Ràdio Club Barcelona, founded in 1979, is the oldest hamradio association in this city. Since the begining it has characterized for its innovative and teaching spirit.