
CQ ENCE 2015: EmerComms on the Net

The 6th Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) is devoted this year to RoIP: EchoLink, FRN, IRLP, D-Star, Fusion, ...

It will be held on Saturday April 18, 16:00-17:00 UTC, and is open to international participation. A good opportunity for technical experimentation and to practice languages.

CQ ENCE 2014: 60m Emergency Communications Exercise in Spain

The fifth edition of the Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) has, as main innovation, the use of the 60 meter band (5 MHz).

It will be held on Saturday April 26, 18:30-19:30 UTC and is open to international participation.

AMxCB: 30 years of CB in Spain

On August 2, 3 and 4, 2013, the following Special Event Stations will be on air: AM1CB, AM2CB, AM3CB, AM4CB, AM5CB, AM6CB, AM7CB, AM8CB and AM9CB.

It will coincide with the 30th anniversary of the first Citizen Band regulations in Spain.

A special QSL card and Award will be available.

The activity is sponsored by: Liga Española de Asociaciones C.B. y Radioaficionados, Federació Catalana de C.B. 27 MHz and Federación Digital EA.

CQ ENCE 2013: Nightly Emergency Communications Exercise in Spain

This fourth edition of the Emergency Communications National Exercise (ENCE in Spanish) changes the schedule, but not its purpose: to bring an opportunity to all those radio amateurs interested in practicing several useful operational skills.

The Exercise will be held next Saturday April 27, 20:00-21:00 UTC, open to international participation. In this occasion with special emphasis on 80m, specifically 3.760 KHz.

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